Talk comments

Deze talk was zeer toegankelijk, zowel voor beginners als iets geavanceerdere bezoekers.

Ik zou de lijstjes inderdaad wat inkorten, iets vertellen over 2 factor authentication en wat minder diep ingaan op .htaccess voorbeelden of in ieder geval een remark plaatsen voor mensen die op NGINX draaien.


Qua inhoud een hele goede talk die 'n mooi overzicht geeft van het profilen van PHP applicaties.

Mooi dat deze talk op 'n WordPress meet-up stond, er zijn naar mijn weten wereldwijd echt maar 'n handjevol developers binnen de WordPress wereld die tools als XHProf gebruikt hebben. Met plugins die op 100.000'en websites gedraaid worden echt geen overbodige luxe, ook al is de winst maar "enkele procenten". :)

Very nice introduction about profiling in PHP. I think it was very accessible for both more and less experienced devs. Happy with the PHPStorm-Xdebug example. I'll definitely go and check that out. Nice to be reminded about XHProf and xhgui as well.

I also liked criticism on xhgui for being coupled to Mongo. I think talks should have critical notes like that more often. Your composer package with different storage adapters for XHProf sounds really interesting.

Just one remark: I would have liked to see a more compelling example of performance optimizations that can be achieved with profiling. Maybe you could have borrowed Davey Shafik's WordPress example for that?

Informative talk about WordPress security. I really like that your talk was accessible for a broad audience of WordPress users, sitebuilders and even developers! Just two remarks:

1) When it comes to the list of security plugins, I would just recommend the first three and explain in short why I like them. The others didn't really add a lot of value to your point.

2) I would leave out the Robots.txt slide or spend a little more time to explain why those exclusions are valuable for security. After all, they don't enforce anything. I'd argue those exclusions might even be a cue for malicious spiders to go crawl those paths and they might even hurt SEO a little bit.

Very useful and sensible advice