Talk in English - US at ZendCon 2016
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Debugging effectively
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Mr. O'dell delivered a well-conceived and organized talk with engaging slides. He speaks very clearly and articulately and I enjoyed listening to him.
The talk is very high-level and is, in my opinion, aimed at junior developers and others who have done very little debugging. As a senior developer, I would loved to have seen more specific instruction regarding specific tools (such as xdebug), and I probably would have attended a different talk had I realized that the talk would be fairly generic with regard to the debugging approach.
That said, I would absolutely recommend this talk to new developers and managers who code to some degree.
Good speaker and wonderful slides, but indeed as said targeted towards beginners, which was a mismatch for me.
But from every talk you attend you learn something. Thanks for 'kint' Colin!
Great speaker, intended for junior developers. Would have loved more advanced debugging techniques.
Agree with the points above, good talk but I didn’t take much away from it