In this tutorial we start by defining an API with Apigility as our main engine, we'll define all the details to make sure we set up our API so it can be consumed by our web application and our mobile application.
We continue by creating a web application that will consume the API resources and how to define the flow from data consumption to views using Zend Framework.
Then we'll define a simple mobile app, which will consume the services from our API. For this we will use Sencha Touch. We'll learn about the details to promote our App to the App store and Google play.


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Christian Valera clearly demonstrates expertise in this area. His session was engaging. I only wish I had been more prepared to follow along with the steps he took - a lot of it was live (which was fantastic) - too bad those parts aren't included in the slides as videos, or several screenshots.

Christian Varela (Speaker) at 14:25 on 25 Oct 2017

Hi, thanks your feedback. There is actually a way you can see what I did live:
1-go to the slides
2-Download the keynote or powerpoint format (not the PDF one)
3-Unskip the skipped slides and they have all the snapshots of what I did