Talk comments

I liked tips and tricks how to keep Swagger models re-usable and granular. API Platform sounds really interesting and I'd like to hear more about it sometimes :) Ante was well prepared and I liked his presentation style and jokes. Hope to hear more talks from Ante!

I really liked how Marijan explained the difference between constants and enums.
I've realized that using enums in this way can be really useful.

Looking forward seeing how Marijan will develop his library, especially Doctrine and Symfony Forms support!??

Miro Svrtan at 10:17 on 20 Nov 2017

Great talk Marijan! As I'we started using enums some time ago it was nice to hear about different options and usages, I can now improve some of the details in my own app as well!

I know Marijan was really worried about his English, to be honest for no real reason and improvement from his first talk in English is visible. I hope by this time, his fear of English is behind him and he will be even more eager to speak on local and not so local meetups/conferences.

Miro Svrtan at 10:13 on 20 Nov 2017

I'we heard of Swagger, as I don't build APIs often, I never had the need for it but was interested in how it works: Ante covered it in a really good manner, explained how to integrate it into Symfony app and showed some examples.

Speaker was really good, as Ante is a first time speaker, he did a great job! For next time I would suggest to avoid 'wall of text' slides, it was bit hard to follow them. I hope he will join ZgPHP stage more often now!

Yousef Chanan at 12:52 on 18 Nov 2017

First of all, thanks to Ante on giving the talk, it definitely sparked a discussion, both during and after the event, which is what meetups are all about. Should there be a follow-up, I would definitely like to hear more about API Platform, which does a massive job on automating the process described in the talk, and truly allows you to be lazy, as the topic of the talk advertises.

Mario Krvaric at 22:59 on 17 Nov 2017

Nice talk, but didn't like part with live examples. It's time consuming and would rather hear pros and cons versus alternatives to Swagger or see more complex examples.

Mario Krvaric at 22:58 on 17 Nov 2017

Great talk! Talk was organized, had a point. There was no live coding, but explanation of things which I like a lot. 10/10 would implement :)

Good intro to Swagger but would prefer live example. This seamed as a lot of work for just two models, I'm not sure how it would work on a larger application.