I found the talk hard to follow, because it required knowledge of Yii 1 which I did not have. This was not specified in the talk description.
The speaker speaks English very well, the pronunciation, speed and volume were all very good. I had no problem understanding him.
The body language also seemed very open, but was compromised by looking at the projected slides most of the time. This was probably caused by not not practising the talk sufficiently beforehand, which would allow him to learn the slides contents.
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I found the talk hard to follow, because it required knowledge of Yii 1 which I did not have. This was not specified in the talk description.
The speaker speaks English very well, the pronunciation, speed and volume were all very good. I had no problem understanding him.
The body language also seemed very open, but was compromised by looking at the projected slides most of the time. This was probably caused by not not practising the talk sufficiently beforehand, which would allow him to learn the slides contents.