010PHP: Deploy your application in a box
This month's meetup is all about creating a solid deployment strategy. Willem-Jan Zijderveld will be presenting his talk "Deploy your application in a box". Willem-Jan is a regular conference spea…
This month's meetup is all about creating a solid deployment strategy. Willem-Jan Zijderveld will be presenting his talk "Deploy your application in a box". Willem-Jan is a regular conference spea…
This month's meetup will bring you both Mark Redeman and Jorn Oomen with each a very interesting topic. As usual we welcome you at the ECE Campus in the Rotterdam Science Tower. Mutation Testing i…
March will bring you, yet again, two speakers at 010PHP. First we can welcome Gediminas Ć edbaras with a talk about BDD "Modelling by Example", but also we can welcome Jacob Kiers with his latest talk …
This month's talk is brought to you by Pascal de Vink and Matthias Noback. Pascal's talk, titled "Things I was unprepared for as a lead developer", will be aimed at working as a Lead Developer. Matthi…