ColumbusPHP Monthly Meeting - June 2016
Our monthly meetup. cURL and REST API Best Practices by Derek McDaniel…
Our monthly meetup. cURL and REST API Best Practices by Derek McDaniel…
The conference is for API developers, by API developers. We have two tracks with a mix of generic and platform specific talks; the conference is designed in such a way that whether you’re a PHP, Ruby,…
Schedule: 19h00 - Registration 19h30 - API design with RAML - Jorge Sá Pereira 20h00 - Break 20h20 - Introdução à framework OAuth 2.0 para autorização na Web - Pedro Félix 20h50 - Prize raffle At th…
Schedule: 09:30 - Registration 10:00 - Open Keynote - phplx team 10:30 - Xdebug Jump Start - Jorge Sá Pereira 11:10 - Break 11:30 - Rest WebServices - The Right way - Luís Santos 12:10 - Break 12:20 -…