phpday 2019
The GrUSP, the Italian PHP user group, organises the 16th phpDay, a conference dedicated to PHP for the enterprise.…
The GrUSP, the Italian PHP user group, organises the 16th phpDay, a conference dedicated to PHP for the enterprise.…
The GrUSP, the Italian PHP user group, organises the 15th phpDay, a conference dedicated to PHP for the enterprise.…
php[world] is a conference like no other. Designed to bring together the various sub-communities that are linked by the PHP programming language. Drupal, WordPress, Joomla!, Magento, Laravel, Zend F…
Lo Zend Framework รจ diventato il riferimento per quanto riguarda lo sviluppo ad alto livello con PHP e molti software open source e commerciali, come Magento, Piwik e molti altri progetti lo utilizzan…