Static Sites with Sculpin


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Mihail Irintchev at 12:32 on 22 May 2014

Throws a very good perspective on a neat tool / technique for building static sites which should not be underestimated. Even better: you get it from the very creator of sculpin!

Good intro to Sculpin. Helpful to see some of the ways people are using the tool. Excellent job pointing to others in the community who are moving the project forward. Giving credit away is important.

Great intro to Sculpin.

Only recommendation: speak a little louder.

Lark Mullins at 13:23 on 22 May 2014

Sculpin looks like a great tool. Great intro to static site generators and Sculpin. I will be using it in the near future.

Good introduction to Scuplin and how to approach if it is the right fit for the site you are developing. The talk might benefit from less "Here is a site and its github repo". Felt like that could have been streamlined down to a quick "Here are some example use cases" with the repos listed as resources at the end of the slides to browse after the session.

What would really help sell me on it would be to take one of the examples, like the author section, and show how easy(?) it is to create a custom content type and use it across a site. Otherwise, came out of the talk thinking about what I can use to play with it.

Useful intro to Sculpin. Would have liked to see a live demo (or even a pre-recorded live demo). Also seemed a little low energy/mumbly. Maybe up the vocal variety?