Going Viral for Fun, not Profit


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By far one of the most interesting and enjoyable talks I ever seen.

The presentation was dynamic, coding on stage and explaining the concepts. It was really great

Interesting talk on security and virus injections.

Very entertaining and informative. And nice work getting the demo working on someone else's machine!

This is one of those talks I'll be telling people about for years. Amazing content, well researched, and the bumps in the presentation was just part of the experience. I doubt I'll ever be a part of a live debugging of code with people who created and developed it.

Anonymous at 16:41 on 12 Mar 2015

Good stage presence! Glad you had your multiple backup plans; it would have been a shame if the demo fell down.

Very interesting, and thought-provkoking.

Very interesting topic. Great demos shown at great lenghts.

Anonymous at 18:57 on 12 Mar 2015

Enjoyed talk, too bad about the technical difficulties.

Anonymous at 23:11 on 12 Mar 2015

Found this talk particularly interesting. Although the otherwise awesome demonstration didn't quite come together in the end, it was clear that a lot of time had been put into the content of the talk. Very engaging presentation with its live demo, humour and interesting topic. It is always good to learn about things that aren't always discussed openly.

Despite the fact that old mate Ben wasn't using his computer, it was one of the better talks I've seen. It was charming and very informative and gave a great alternative perspective on development practices.

Very entertaining and good fun.

Very entertaining talk with some inspiring concepts. Not too much practically applicable, though.