Hexagonal architecture - message-oriented software design


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Inspiring and interesting talk with good examples as to why one could / should choose for Hexagonal architecture when writing larger applications.

The beginning of the talk with the various examples on why certain approaches are 'wrong' was a bit lengthy and could be shortened a bit. Other than that, definitely a good talk and the people at DPC that will be attending are in for a treat.

Very interesting talk. The presenter explained the concept clearly, presentation was well structured with informative diagrams.

Interesting talk about an architectural concept that can be applied when designing applications to decouple them from (technical) infrastructure and other applications. I agree with Jimmy that the part about what can be wrong in an average (framework-based) application was a bit lengthy. Imo the 'good stuff' deserves a lot more time and attention.

Anonymous at 10:37 on 26 Jun 2015

Very insightful.. Altough indeed a bit lenghty (the start was sluggish, so to say).
But the subject was extremely interesting. I will meditate on this subject some more.