The cloud is the future, and your architecture isn't ready


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Anonymous at 14:01 on 3 Dec 2015

The analogy regarding bridges dragged on for way too long.

Yohann Marillet at 14:10 on 3 Dec 2015

Basically it's a presentation of heroku, isn't it ? Tl;dl: heroku is the future, docker is already has been

Anonymous at 14:45 on 3 Dec 2015

I think David explained the basics pretty good for people without knowledge of the cloud. Talk was still interesting enough for people with experience since David seems to be a good and regular speaker.

Really good talk about the future of deploying in the cloud.

History part was a bit too long.

Nice and interesting. Maybe don't mention all 12 factors but only the ones you actually have time to talk about.

Anonymous at 10:50 on 4 Dec 2015

David, you're a great speaker, but I was disappointed for two reasons:

- The presentation was too long
- It should had been called "the 12-factor app"

Apart from that, I liked the architecture perspective, except that I missed a relationship with the rest of the talk.

12 factors are really interesting. The part about bridges should be briefer, as for me

Excellent presentation. Very nice overview. Loved it!

Good presentation given by an experienced speaker in a clear and concise fashion. Destroyed some myths like "you just put it in the cloud and works", but a sip of reality is good from time to time.

Too long before talking about 12factor.

The intro to the main topic was too long winded. Got distracted because of this, and missed the interesting part of your talk.

I usually like David's talks, but not this one :(
The introduction was way too long and it was mainly about 12factor, but this was not clear from the title and from the abstract.

nice talk, you are really great at that! Too bad it was too much of a Heroku marketing session

Like said françois it was good but a bit too long (especially the bridges part) and too 12-factors centred (it's disappointing because it's not the title of the talk)

Great talk, nice analogy with bridge.