Working successfully outside the cube


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Great addition to the tech talks.

Nice talk brought with a lot of enthousiasm and humor with some very recognisable points!

Great talk on a less technical subject, but one a lot of people could clearly relate to. Lots of practical advice, and well delivered.

As a remote worker I could relate. The way the speaker engaged the audience by doing a little bit of research in the beginning and being really casual about it all made it even more awesome. I did however feel that the sales pitch was a bit too "chatty" at times and would have preferred more straight to the point there and more about how you have to handle working remotely.

And I absolutely LOVED the humour in the slides! <3

Nice talk, good slides and personal facts.

However the speaker did not show a great deal of knowledge outside the experiences he got within his own company.

When asked what a remote working place would cost to an employer, I seemed to come as a surprise. It seemed obvious that it wouldn't cost an employer anything. "But I am working with a desktop computer at work." Reply: "Oh! Most people have laptops!" Yeah.

Interesting talk. I am not a remote worker, but i liked the tips about setting up a working environment and to take away the laptop to the outdoors every now and then.

Anonymous at 09:52 on 30 Jan 2012

The presentation was nicely brought and with humor, but the content could be improved a lot. As developers, most of us know already what the benefits are from working from home..

I think there were some great points made in the talk: establishing good routines, and having effective communication are absolutely critical to allow remote working to succeed. However, I'd have liked to see more emphasis on what constitutes good communication -- how and when to use things like skype, IRC, and IM, how to manage conference calls, etc. These are the sorts of skills developers need to succeed not just when working remotely, but in-house as well.

Working remotely, I expected learning something...