Talk comments

Amazing talk. I feel smarter now that I listen to it.

Got just one word to say on this talk: TRUE!
Throughout the talk I had so many moments of "uhuh", "true" and "yeah".

Wow, great talk and lots of good & practical stuff (if anything perhaps a bit too much). The guidelines on managing client expectations sound particularly useful, and the point about maintaining a consistent pace of delivery is a novel one (to me). Also had my favourite quote of the day: "It's not enough to be smart; you actually have to know things". Thanks for a great end to the day.

What can be said? Amazing talk. It's like having a conversation with one of your smartest friends who is articulate, smart and challenging.

If I had one critique, it would be there is sooooo much good information that it's a little overwhelming. Principle of audiences leaving with full understanding is grouping in threes. But, please take that as a small critique.

I wish everyone at work could hear this presentation.

The focus on graphic design before estimation was a revelation for me. I'll never do an estimation without paper and crayon again. Good stuff.

Excellent topic. I will be reviewing this topic multiple times for sure. Thank you for taking the time to present this in a clear and concise manner with excellent examples and real-world scenarios.

The talk has improved some since I've heard it at PHPBenelux in Antwerp this January. Still learned stuff, so the second time it's still informative :-)

EDIT: a little more on this: the PHPBenelux talk was more focussed on technical debt with a relation to web2project and open source. An interesting addition to this talk.

Refreshing look at how to heighten communication without freaking out a BO.