Digital identity is hard. To prove that someone is who they claim to be, remotely, via digital services, is opened with opportunities for attackers to impersonate someone’s digital identity. Insecure implementation often result in compromised user accounts and unauthorized access to your data.

How to protect the digital identity of your customers and ensure their transactions are secure? Which security features are an absolute must-have and which additional security measures should you take into account?

Attend this session to learn what to consider when implementing digital identity for your customers. We will explore different types of applications and for each, we will discuss the appropriate levels of digital identity to implement.

After this session you will understand which level of digital identity is required for your applications, which are the must-have security features, and which additional security measures should you take into account for each level.

Recommended to all developers interested to incorporate a secure digital identity in their software applications.


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The accent was hard to understand, but the content was good. Good examples. Useful nuggets.

Frank van Hest at 21:57 on 9 Jun 2018

In my opinion the crowd present should have already be aware of the given advice in this talk. It would be great for “beginner” beginners developers.