Talk comments

Good talk, lots of information and good examples.

This talk was incredibly fascinating. To be honest, it was nearly an accident that I attended-- I didn't think the description sounded that useful for me-- but I'm very glad that I did.

Mark clearly knows his stuff, and I appreciated his relaxed and engaging way of presenting it. After mostly seeing "Top 10 OWASP Vulnerabilities"-type presentations, it was really nice to see a presentation that was less remedial. The stories were really interesting, and opened my eyes to a few types of vulnerabilities I wasn't previously familiar with. I also feel a lot more confident about reporting security fixes in the future, and what my rights are in that circumstance.

Honestly, if I have any feedback, it's to revisit the description for the talk. Yes, you certainly talked about how to report, but you also gave convincing arguments for why *I* should think of myself as someone who can find security vulnerabilities, and gave me a lot of food for thought in my own coding.

Very funny, and lots of great info

Great talk, probably my favorite of the weekend, however towards the end it seemed like we had enough examples of *why*, and could have used more examples of *how*.

Incredibly useful and engaging, speaker is clearly knowledgeable and fun.