Talk comments

Very good talk, gave some good lesson that will be interesting to take back to the office and do a review on the API's we have written.

We currently use both MySQL and Mongo. Was cool to see the new interface and JSON features in the latest versions of MySQL. I'll have to setup a test environment and play.

Was unaware of Docker Compose an how to use prior to this. Currently running multiple containers tied together, but each start separately. Excited to try Docker Compose to bundle the together.

I am excite to dive into Codeception when back in the office. We currently use Sahi / Behat and headless. It has it's flaws so am excited to try something new. Was happy to learn we can port over all our currently written test and have them read other then maybe some of our JS test which we may have to tweak.

Really enjoyed the talk, wished I could of followed along on my laptop, but had issues spinning up / building the appropriate Docker container.

One thought would be to have a Dockerfile in GIT that could be pulled down or send he Spec's out a week or more in advance. Since most of us probably brought our work machines, adding / modifying our work test environments not always ideal.

The talk also made me more excited to site thru the Codeception talk. We currently use Sahi and Behat for all our Testing.

Keith Casey at 13:02 on 23 Apr 2018

Thanks for coming everyone! While I don't have the finished slides to share - which is why I freehand drew some of the diagrams - I've linked to the OAuth 2.0 guides and practices that we publish at Okta. They're ~98% vendor neutral so apply a grain of salt if you need. :)

Keith Casey at 12:56 on 23 Apr 2018

I've caught dozens of Cal's talks and a few of his keynotes and he *still* manages to hit points I hadn't considered and makes it resonate. This was a great one, don't miss it.

Bill Condo at 11:25 on 23 Apr 2018

Good pace, content, and delivery.

Bill Condo at 11:20 on 23 Apr 2018

Michael was flawless in the material and delivery.

Learned a lot about OAuth. The hotel key-card example made things very accessible. You can tell that he obviously knows much about this topic as he can teach it really well.