Talk comments

Ilia did a fantastic job illustrating the many possible attack vectors for PHP applications. He emphasized the balance between usability and security as well as the importance of validating / escaping out input and output. I really held on to the fact that no input can be trusted, even when it is coming from a legitimate source - there are simply too many ways to spoof and reflect bad information into a database. The time really flew by and Ilia was very energetic and engaging. In the future I would suggest adding audience participation, perhaps by searching a piece of sample code manually or with one of the suggested tools.

Patrick did an excellent job pacing his presentation to fit the time constraints while also leaving room for questions. He was also very patient with questions from audience members of varying skill levels. While the information covered was good, I think it could be made better in the future reformatting some of the information into an interactive session, for example leading the audience step by step through logging and testing a sample app. If possible it would be great to have the audience code along on their own computers - mimicry is a great way to begin!

Chelsea Greger at 11:00 on 5 Oct 2016

This talk was informative and showed a few examples of the importance of password security. I enjoyed the presentation, but thought it was inappropriate to include politics in a talk about password security.

Tom Godar at 13:48 on 3 Oct 2016

Well put together talk. Use of examples/slides all tied in well. Enjoyed it.

Would have liked to learn more about the recent changes in php70... new session related directives, etc. Maybe reiterate how to use session_regenerate_id when escalating user privileges.

Tom Godar at 13:44 on 3 Oct 2016

Good talk. Particularly liked talk about use of profiling/cachegrind and XHPROF. Good slides ;)

Tom Godar at 13:41 on 3 Oct 2016

I could have listened to Samantha talk about CS / programming history for a a few more hours easily. You can tell she is passionate about the topic and it translates to a compelling talk. Reminded me of things I knew but had forgotten. Made we want to go back and read up more on a number of topics I've forgot about or just scratched the surface on.

Tom Godar at 13:37 on 3 Oct 2016

Very nice keynote. Was informative and also engaging. Excellent public speaker. I went ahead and ordered "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team".

Tom Godar at 13:30 on 3 Oct 2016

Got me thinking about all the things I should be doing better when it comes to JS coding. Appreciated learning about the MVVM pattern. Good ideas. Code slides could be cleaned up / refined a bit.

Bill Condo at 11:31 on 3 Oct 2016

Joe knows his stuff when it comes to Vagrant and Ansible. Even as a current Vagrant user I picked up a few things that should make my life easier in the future. Great structure and content.

What a great talk. This is actually my first time watching it as I missed it at another event and was pretty sad about it. Stephanie should be a frequent speaker at events. She really knows how to give a presentation to get the crowd engaged and excited! She made me laugh a lot too. Extra star for that. :)