Learn how to set up a lightning fast React app and headless WordPress with GraphQL for content management all without the need to maintain a server. We will go over using cloud technologies for MySQL and media files, and Now to serve our React app and WP.

Based on a real, large scale project!

Learn how to set up a lightning fast React app and headless WordPress with GraphQL for content management all without the need to maintain a server. We will go over using cloud technologies to host MySQL and all our media files for WordPress, and Now (from Zeit) to serve our React app and WordPress. We will create custom routing and caching for React using NodeJS and Express.

Why would you want to do this?

Automatic scaling
Deployment and updates with no downtime, straight from the terminal
Track WordPress with Git
Automatic database and media file backups
Speed of React + User friendliness of content management with WordPress

Is this talk pushing a particular product?

This can be done using Google Cloud, AWS, Azure or any similar services.
Similar setup could use React and WordPress alternatives.


Intro to React: What it is and why would you use it
Setup Dev Environment: Help participants set up their machines to work with React. Optionally, a cloud IDE can be used.
Bootstrap a React app using Next.js
Set up Apollo to fetch GraphQL data
Create custom parameterized routes using Express
Fetch data with Apollo's Query component based on route parameters
Deploy apps using Now
Explain next steps to further improve apps with styling, seo optimization, advanced routing, complex GraphQL queries, etc. and alternate ways to build and deploy. (If time allows)


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Joe Devon at 17:28 on 3 Aug 2019

I was only able to attend the first half before taking a call but Jesse did a great job introducing the topic and working with the audience to workshop through GraphQL and Wordpress. Looking forward to the video so I can catch the second half of it and sharing with my team.

Ryan Consylman at 06:44 on 6 Aug 2019

I was really excited to do this workshop, but unfortunately the information was not presented in a way the attendees could follow along. Advice: let users know what should be on their machines before the workshop starts, provide a single, short link that provides links to all the repos, resources, ect. Have an end goal in mind and help everyone get there.