RAET (Reliable Asynchronous Event Transport) Is an open source UDP based protocol for secure communications. It is based on the best practices open Elliptic Curve Libsodium library. Essential to Zero Trust computing is end-to-end encryption and signing. RAET uniquely provides a peer-to-peer version of the CurveCP key exchange protocol. This talk will show how to use RAET with different asynchronous execution frameworks including python3 async/await, asyncio, curio, tornado, gevent, and ioflo. This talk will provide an overview of Zero-Trust Computing and how it enables new distributed application architectures. [202]

Slides at https://github.com/SmithSamuelM/Papers/blob/master/presentations/ZeroTrustRaet.pdf


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Ben Mathews at 16:37 on 17 Jul 2017

Speaker had good content, source code, and ideas. Talk was useful.