In order to understand interfaces, humans need information and context. You can't always provide that. But machines can by comparing what you have with trillions of other, similar datasets on the web. Using Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence you can roll interfaces that not only have what your user gave you, but enhance it with important meta data to make it more usable. In this talk you'll learn about APIs to use to turn images and video into text, to find people in photos, to know the emotions of people in photos, to allow for human input into digital interfaces and to prevent unwanted content to enter your products. You don't need to be a data scientist to do this, you can tap into already existing offers for you.


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Adam Culp at 17:13 on 9 Sep 2017

Speaker had great knowledge of the subject and did a nice job sharing the info, and very witty adlib. Love that the slides were all his own photos.

Christian Heilmann (Speaker) at 18:40 on 9 Sep 2017

The slides are now available on Slideshare: