AWS is exciting & provides a boost to your app's availability, scalability and security. But moving from traditional hosting to the cloud can change how you develop, deploy & manage infrastructure. We can use old & new tools to smooth the migration, getting the power of the cloud without the pain!

In the talk we will look over 9 things you'll miss on AWS and how to get them back. We'll cover auto scaling, load balancing, networked file systems, PHP opcache, Lambda functions, databases, logging, & queues - giving you a pathway to AWS operation with minimal changes to your application, keeping the cost down and the productivity high!

Level: Intermediate


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A well delivered talk with a good overview of various AWS feature. While I appreciate this talk was aimed at getting up and running with AWS with your existing codebase without making changes (and it was caveat-ed as such), more detail on what *would* be the better solution if you have the time would be an improvement - e.g. sessions, rather than making users stick, move session handlers to a DB - or even better, something like Redis.


Jeremy Onion at 21:24 on 16 Feb 2018

Great insight into how migration to AWS actually happens as opposed to the 'happy path' that the documents talk about

Chris Sherry at 17:43 on 17 Feb 2018

Great practical look at moving to AWS. The talk title mis-lead me slightly, something it turns out Mike has already decided to tweak, because I thought it was about hidden AWS gems - but I was glad I went to this talk none the less as it was a really pragmatic look at moving an existing application - which was a refreshing change from the usual AWS talks and one that considered the business cases for rewrites much more.

Mike was confident and clear with his delivery, my only suggestions for improvement would be the slides. Although nicely laid out many of them had a lot of information on them - and I'd like to see these stepped-through rather than the whole slide displayed at once. Also sometimes the next slide would come on too quickly whilst the previous was explained, leaving me looking at just the title of the next section instead of the relevant diagram.

I'd recommend this talk to anyone considering a migration to AWS or even any cloud provider.

Thijs Feryn at 13:52 on 22 Feb 2018

Loved it. Very practical approach. Great tips & tricks.