Talk comments

Chris Barnett at 22:23 on 26 Feb 2019

Great talk with lots of helpful tips.

Chris Barnett at 22:18 on 26 Feb 2019

I enjoyed the session and found it very interesting. The start of the tutorial focused too much on the basics in my opinion but did eventually progress to a more intermediate level. The slides that Donald put together are a great learning tool for anyone one new to Docker. Donald's knowledge on Docker was also very good. I would definitely go to another tutorial or talk by Donald.

Marinit at 11:54 on 26 Feb 2019

Pretty good workshop, highly recommend it. Does anyone have the slides? Can’t find it here on

Quang Nguyen at 23:26 on 25 Feb 2019

Really good talk, I love your enthusiasm.

I have learned a lot, from your fails and succeeded in your approach to Machine Learning.

Mike Lehan at 13:31 on 25 Feb 2019


Thanks for the comment and yes I agree, the wifi did let us down. The issue was not so much the speed of it but in fact was the number of simultaneous HTTP requests that Terraform attempts to make during even small builds. I didn't see that causing problems (or at least assumed they'd be quickly resolved as the requests went through) but it seemed the whole network jammed at that point.

I hope to have the chance to run this again and my consideration would probably be to provide everyone with shell into a remote machine from where they could set up AWS creds and run the tools - this would reduce to 1 SSH connection per laptop and also avoid mac/Linux differences.

Thanks again and do message me any time for tips or advice with either my AWS example repos or the system in general!

Piers Beckley at 13:17 on 25 Feb 2019

Great keynote. Entertaining, engaging, and with lots of useful information.

Piers Beckley at 13:16 on 25 Feb 2019

Excellent introduction to a language I didn't know much about, and the fact that the speaker was able to compare and contrast it to PHP was particularly helpful and interesting.

Piers Beckley at 13:14 on 25 Feb 2019

A very good talk, hobbled by the fact that a lack of bandwidth held everyone up from being able to follow along on their computers. I'm not sure what the best way of solving that problem would be, though - perhaps a torrent?

Mike Lehan at 12:56 on 25 Feb 2019

The best set of slides I think I've seen at a conference, the timing as the videos progressed on some was truly skilful. The message was good and Thijs balanced the level of self-promotion (kind of needed to make the point) with humility and accepting of individual experience.

To offer one suggestion for improvement, the middle of the talk felt like it needed some pointers as to what bit we were currently being told - maybe a downside to the big animated slides was that they didn't remind us which "variable" we were currently dealing with

Mike Lehan at 12:49 on 25 Feb 2019

Probably the most opinion-splitting talk of the conference. With hindsight of all the reviews posted before me I have to say I am surprised at how negative people are being at the title/abstract being misguiding. They are, and I'd have loved to see either more LEGO references (e.g. Gary's keynote last year about video games) or maybe having described it differently.

But it's also the talk where I saw more people in the audience than any other shaking their heads. The talk set out some key history that those with privilege might not like. Then suggested we should change. So I think maybe there's a level of implicit bias in wanting to dislike a talk that says some things which may challenge you as a person rather than a developer. Maybe this should be a blog post rather than review so I'll end with:

Rename the talk, maybe be more confident giving it, but don't stop talking about it, because it's important