Generators, which have been around since PHP 5.5 and got a lot better with PHP 7, take a lot of the angst out of asynchronous programming in PHP. In this talk I’ll explain the basic concepts that you’ll need to grok generators, then apply our new-found knowledge to turn an I/O-bottlenecked web app into a concurrent, performant one via the AMPHP family of libraries.


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I didn't know generators or yield before I saw your talk: I learned something, so certainly worth hearing. I was a little lost when you started using generators in an event loop. Probably because I am new to asynchronous PHP as well. (This got better after I attended the talk of David Buchmann this morning, so now your talk makes more sense to me :-))

A tip: if you use 'less' to show your code, the code is shown at the bottom of the screen. I was in the back of the room, so I missed lot of that.

Wouter at 15:12 on 26 Jan 2019

The talk was a bit abstract because I didn't have any knowledge about asynchronous programming.
A suggestion is to try to make I a bit more practical. The demo showed good results so I'll do some more research on it for sure.

Koen Cornelis at 14:38 on 27 Jan 2019

I hadn't looked at generators in PHP before this, but now i definitely will. So overall i liked this talk.
The part about Texas vocabulary was pretty funny :-)

Points of criticism for me:
- the definition of a generator wasn't given. You state that you'll start with an answer to the question what is a generator. But you actually did not give it directly. Your audience was left to infer that from examples of generators in action and from bits and pieces on different slides. Which means i'm not sure i got it right.
- many of the examples were hard to follow. I have experience with async/await in JS which helped, but i imagine someone who was completely new to the concepts will have been flabbergasted.
- if you make benchmarks, you should show them side by side. It's nice to highlight what changed, but i cannot memorize a full slide in a few seconds.

I already knew about Generators and some advanced usages of them so I have to say that I only learned a few new things. The talk itself was well delivered and your Texan accent was not really noticable :) . However : my main problem with the talk was that it quickly escalated in the wrong direction : although the Raffler project was immensely interesting, at the time I failed to see the connection with Generators at all - only now (reviewing at home) I am slowly discovering what you were actually trying to do / demonstrate. I can image that others did not completely understood that.

Very nice talk about a subject that is I think still new for most people (including myself). First you were very well spoken and not as texan as you led us to believe (still very funny).
So for me the start of the talk was very follow able. I had a general idea of what generators did but never used any or knew the exact details of how it worked. I think you showed use quite clearly how it worked and what to look out for. However when the basics were out of the way the jump to the more advanced stuff on what you could do with this felt too big. I got totally lost and only got a general idea of what you were doing.
I feel this could've used an intermediate example to ease us into the idea of using generators and get us comfortable with it.
It still got me excited about generators so I'm going to check them out. Maybe after I do I will understand what you were doing.

Thanks a lot for giving this talk.

Tim Huijzers at 00:15 on 30 Jan 2019

It's a very interesting but also a very complicated subject and I couldn't quite follow it.