Talk comments

Anonymous at 11:28 on 27 May 2014

I've never learned so much about an HTTP client from a Journey parody song.

Are slides available, or an article? So much useful stuff here.

Thanks for the feedback Monika! Unfortunately a 25 minute talk isn't enough time to do a full demo walkthru and a comparison to other CMS systems (there are so many). It was meant to be an overview on the project's approach and features, and a quick discussion of new approaches to content management.

Please give negative (and positive!) feedback directly to the October team at GitHub rather than providing it here ( I am not the project maintainer, just the presenter discussing an alternative idea. I think I learned a lesson here though. Never present a new beta product to a group of developers at php[tek]. Y'all are critical with your ratings, haha

Here's a new CMS that might be more suited to developers wanting a Composer installable CMS:

Thanks for the feedback Monika! Unfortunately a 25 minute talk isn't enough time to do a full demo walkthru and a comparison to other CMS systems (there are so many). It was meant to be an overview on the project's approach and features, and a quick discussion of new approaches to content management.

Please give negative (and positive!) feedback directly to the October team at GitHub rather than providing it here ( I am not the project maintainer, just the presenter discussing an alternative idea. I think I learned a lesson here though. Never present a new beta product to a group of developers at php[tek]. Y'all are critical with your ratings, haha

Here's a new CMS that might be more suited to developers wanting a Composer installable CMS:

Great content. Needed more time. Will join in the chorus in requesting slides.

Good advice for people at all stages of their careers.

Regex is something that you forget if you don't use all the time. This was a very good overview of the basic concepts and some of the quirks. The slides went by very quickly; I'm glad I can download them.

October is clearly not ready for prime time, but I didn't find the talk boring at all. It could have been a bit more focused, though. What specific problem is it solving that Drupal/WP don't? Maybe you were assuming a bit more knowledge about those implementations than I have.

I would have liked to know more about the contrasts (like, "Here's how Drupal does routing; here's how October does it, and here's why, well ok because Laravel, but also...") since that's what makes it compelling. When it deviates from Laravel, why does it do that? Also, does the team have a roadmap for implementation of more useful stuff, like Composer integration? Who are the devs (yes we can go look it up, but nice to know anyhow)?

Thanks for taking this on -- if it's to become a viable alternative to the old stuff, it needs champions.

Serious, useful, meat-and-potatoes tech talk with really useful content, from the expert. Thanks.