PHP 5.3 was released in 2009. Even with PHP 7.2 out now, 5.3 and 5.4 still account for over 40% of all production servers. PHP 7 brings numerous improvements to PHP, from minor syntactic enhancements to major engine changes to a new, stronger type system but what does it mean for developers? It’s time to paint a clear picture of why everyone should move to 7.0 (or 7.1), and how to get code ready for the latest version of PHP. In this talk, we’ll look at some handy tools and techniques to ease the migration.


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Sal Ferrarello at 10:09 on 1 Jun 2018

Great talk with actionable items, code examples, and compelling statistics. Thank you.

Rachel Lougee at 10:11 on 1 Jun 2018

Great talk! A lot of useful information and great examples

Betsy Gamrat at 05:40 on 3 Jun 2018

Looking forward to using what I learned from this talk. Thank you!