Talk comments

Thanks Poornima this Keynote couldn't be better, you address a lot of true facts that happen on teams thanks for the tips !

Thanks Lorna great talk i love the interactive way you conduct the talk and btw thanks for Git bisect !! :D that was amazing.

Thanks Lorna great talk i love the interactive way you conduct the talk and btw thanks for Git bisect !! :D that was amazing.

Great intro talk, more examples and bigger graphs please! Don't be afraid to go more in depth, this is a great topic with much potential.

A very inspiring talk. I only wish I could've heard something like this sooner if only to better appreciate the fantastic community that PHP has,

Michelle gave a great intro to graph databases. The intro to the syntax was clear and simple. I would've appreciated seeing some bigger queries and result sets if only to see it return a great big graph.

Wim gave a lot of great detail about all the other factors outside of the PHP code that programmers need to think about. He also went into detail about tools devs can use to understand them.

Eryn was a great speaker. Her advice about the power of checklists and 'commander's intent' will be something I remember for a long time.

Michelangelo walked through the basics then tackled some tricky code. Being able to see tests run against real code answered a lot of questions and help me see a way forward with the code I inherited.