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Miro Svrtan at 18:01 on 6 Dec 2018

Fun as always ...

I'm really close to giving 4* due to lack of proper Mikola-jeophpardy-style suite :)

Javier Eguiluz at 07:28 on 7 Dec 2018

A nice way to finish the first day of the conference. Jeremy was a great and funny host and there were very clever questions such as the "composer snippets" and the "elefonts". Thanks!

That was really fun, such a cool way to end the amazing first day.

Pedro Ribeiro at 22:44 on 7 Dec 2018

Very funny and entertainer guy.


I count for wurst suite next year ;D

Really fun as always

Very entertaining! Loved the elefont and composer snippet categories.

Very fun presentation.

Great show. Even better than expected. The magic show before was cool as well.

elefonts category was a blast :D