Talk comments

Nice talk! It covered all the basics, and touched on more advanced use as well.

Great intro, the comparison against PHP was quite handy. One thing you could do to improve is add colored lines to make the scope chapter a bit more clear.
Conclusion: you still got it!

From my perspective as someone who didn't come into contact with Ruby before it was a good intro. I liked that the syntax was covered because it made me get a "feel" for the language before Rails was brought up. There were some hickups in the delivery of the talk, some technical and some in presentation style, which I will chalk up to inexperience in delivering these kinds of presentations. As a point of advice: spend less time reading slides out loud and more time telling a story about the slides.

Hi Joren,

You've made a very good effort on covering nearly all grounds, from syntax to classes, from dependency management and unit testing, ... a very solid base. For future talks, I would advice talking your time to sit next a PHP guy and have a side-by-side comparison (especially if it's a "ruby for PHP" talk) to show where the matches and differences are. I'm thinking Gemfile vs. Composer, unit testing comparisons, ...

You were understandable, you didn't appear nervous and took your time to explain things (instead of rushing through it). :-)

I've had the pleasure of seeing the talk evolve and must say I was impressed with how little Javascript I actually knew (despite my thoughts on it). You've made a clear comparison between PHP and Javascript, you were understandable and took your time to explain complex matters such as SEFP and Closures.

For a next talk, it may be worth checking into if you can highlight the "scope" in Javascript a bit more clearly (highlighted boxes around scope areas?) to show easily where closures start and end.

Overall: nice one Chris!

Well-delivered talk. This was only a subset of relevant javascript knowledge, but given the time constraints I think it was a rather well chosen subset. There were some things which needed cutting or amending. For example, there is no point in explaining that javascript has only a single number type without explaining the consequences of that decision. Similarly the treatment of NaN and Infinite is not necessary in a talk that doesn't go into IEEE-754 floating point calculation. Maybe also include more jumping off points towards the end for people who want to learn more.

Great presentation. But i would focus more and the perks and methodology of ruby instead of explaining the syntax.

Nice intro, a bit quick and some technical problems but quite clear. I would put Sinatra before rails or just leave it out. A bit more knowledge of php to know the equivalent would be nice.