ConFoo is a a conference dedicated to the web development best practices. It is multidisciplinary and includes topics such as PHP, Ruby, Java, Python, UX, project management, mobile, Artificial Intelligence etc. Speakers from around the world converge to give over 150 hour presentations.

Wednesday 7th March 2018

Think Async in NodeJS
Talk by Adam L Barrett in Hampstead (45 minutes)

Small intro to Big Data
Talk by Michał Matłoka in Mont-Royal (45 minutes)

Big Data is everywhere and new tools for it are released almost at the speed of new JavaScript frameworks. During this entry level presentation I will walk though the challenges which Big Data presents, reflect how big is big and introduce currently most fancy and popular (mostly open source) tools. I'll try to spark off interest in Big Data by showing application areas and by throwing ideas where you can later dive into.

How I learned to stop worrying and love Regular Expressions
Talk by Jordi Boggiano in Fontaine C (45 minutes)

This session will cover Regular Expressions from the basics to the darkest corners of this arcane art. Regular Expressions at the core come in handy to achieve validation and text manipulation tasks. In the day to day life of a developer, becoming comfortable with them opens up many more use cases. As one of the tortured souls that actually enjoys regexes, Jordi will share his passion so that you too can see there is no reason to worry.

Scale search powered apps with Elasticsearch, k8s and go
Talk by Maxime Boisvert in Fontaine D (45 minutes)

Extracting data from the Internet with Scrapy
Talk by Israël Hallé in Fontaine E (45 minutes)

While exposing data to developers through API is getting more typical, most of the data found on the internet is only available through raw HTML, often mixed in seemingly chaotic tags. This talk aims to be a quick introduction for the data scientist to politely extract data from a website and store it in a structured database with the help of the Python library Scrapy, and how one might extend it to fits their specific needs.

Accessibility Foundations
Talk by Sean Yo in Fontaine F (45 minutes)

IoC container beyond constructor injection
Talk by Hannes Van De Vreken in Fontaine G (45 minutes)

Speed Date With An SEO / SEM / WPO Specialist
Talk by Marc Perez in Fontaine H (45 minutes)

Java EE 8 & HTTP/2
Talk by Ryan Cuprak in St-Pierre (45 minutes)

Designing for Users: How to Create a Better User Experience
Talk by Clarissa Peterson in Hampstead (45 minutes)

ReST 3.0 – a Lap around HTTP APIs’ next Generation
Talk by Sebastien Lambla in Mont-Royal (45 minutes)

We’ve been building hypermedia APIs in one shape or another for a long time. As JSON continues to take over the world, many new specifications promise to deliver an easier way to create and evolve our APIs. After covering what problems ReST 3.0 tries to solve, we’ll evaluate the specifications and tools we can leverage. To the cloud and beyond!

Why and How Instagram Built for Mobile Web
Talk by Jennifer Lin in Fontaine C (45 minutes)

Automatic web requests clustering for latency analysis
Talk by Naser Ezzati Jivan in Fontaine D (45 minutes)

Harnessing the power of AWS using .NET Core
Talk by Dror Helper in Fontaine E (45 minutes)

Database schema migrations with zero downtime
Talk by Michiel Rook in Fontaine F (45 minutes)

Does your application use a database, and have you ever changed the database schema? Then you probably know these database migrations can lead to downtime and can be an obstacle to implementing continuous delivery. In this talk we’ll discuss non-destructive changes, rollbacks, large data sets, useful tools and a few strategies to migrate our data safely, with minimum disruption to production.

Ruby for Non-Rubyists
Talk by Brad Urani in Fontaine G (45 minutes)

Ecommerçants, augmentez votre taux de conversion.
Talk by Thomas Deneulin in Fontaine H (45 minutes)

Vous pensez que votre taux de conversion est à son maximum ? Nous pouvons faire mieux ! Nous verrons 10 actions à mettre en place pour augmenter vos ventes. Améliorons votre tunnel de vente et regardons comment avoir un taux de conversion qui pourrait gagner jusqu'à 20%. Ces solutions peuvent s'appliquer à la plupart des boutiques en ligne.

Java EE 8 is final! Now what?
Talk by David Delabassee in St-Pierre (45 minutes)

Modern jQuery: Refactoring and Testing the Way Forward
Talk by Ken Dale in Hampstead (45 minutes)

There's more to performance than meets the eye
Talk by Léonie Watson in Mont-Royal (45 minutes)

What does performant look like when you can't see the screen? The browser does more with the DOM than render content. It presents an accessibility tree that's queried using platform accessibility APIs. Different browser processing models mean Assistive Technologies are changing the way they obtain accessibility information, but is that having an impact on performance, and what happens when we introduce a JavaScript accessibility API into the mix?

Gentle introduction to SSL/TLS, certificates, and TLS 1.3
Talk by Christian Heimes in Fontaine C (45 minutes)

TLS is the most important and widely-used protocol for secure and encrypted communication, e.g. HTTPS. It offers more than just encryption. TLS also ensures data integrity and strong authentication with X.509 certificates. Did you ever wonder how TLS and CAs actually work? I'll give you the rundown of the basic cryptographic building blocks, protocol handshake, inner structure of certificates, PKI, and what's new in TLS 1.3.

Ingest node: enriching documents within Elasticsearch
Talk by David Pilato in Fontaine D (45 minutes)

Designing a DSL with Kotlin
Talk by Nicolas Fränkel in Fontaine E (45 minutes)

Kotlin is one of those “new” JVM languages that are currently rocking the boat. Although it’s made a great impact on Android, it’s equally good on the server side. As Domain-Specific Languages are constrained by the language they run on, Kotlin frees developers from Java fluent builders to propose something better. Using the Vaadin web framework as an example, I’ll demo how one could design its own DSL with Kotlin.

Atteindre les étoiles avec PHP et Symfony
Talk by Mikael Randy in Fontaine F (45 minutes)

À l’automne 2014, M6 décide d’adapter le programme Rising Star en France, un concours de chant en direct, mais dont le jury est le public, qui vote en direct depuis son application mobile. A travers cette conférence, je me propose de vous présenter l’architecture mise en place pour être capable de traiter plusieurs dizaines de millions de votes dans un délais de quelques secondes, tout en se synchronisant avec une émission de télé en direct.

Building chat bots with Bot Framework in Node.js
Talk by Christopher Harrison in Fontaine G (45 minutes)

Build your own cryptocurrency for fun and fractional profit
Talk by Andrew Lombardi in Fontaine H (45 minutes)

An Introduction of Interator Pattern in Ruby
Talk by Weihang Jian in St-Pierre (45 minutes)

Asynchronicity: concurrency. A tale of
Talk by Joel Lord in Hampstead (45 minutes)

A simple Node checklist to follow
Talk by Gleb Bahmutov in Mont-Royal (45 minutes)

Does it NEED to be a PWA?
Talk by Tara Z. Manicsic in Fontaine C (45 minutes)

Building Distributed Systems in Distributed Teams
Talk by Philipp Krenn in Fontaine D (45 minutes)

The B-Tree, the biggest problem of Ai?
Talk by Jonathan Duquette in Fontaine E (45 minutes)

For more than 45 years, everyone thought the problem was the processing power. For us, it was clear the problem was the B-Tree because the cost of processing a find operation grows as the logarithm of the file size. This ideology is the opposite of intelligence because while we are growing up, we generate more and more data, but with time, we are not getting slower, in fact, we just become more intelligent! We reinvented database, come see

Strong crypto for everyone - libsodium in PHP 7.2
Talk by Marcus Bointon in Fontaine F (45 minutes)

Integrate your Machine Learning algorithm with Elasticsearch
Talk by Loic Bertron in Fontaine G (45 minutes)

Papa, je veux déployer dans les nuages
Talk by Henri Helvetica in Fontaine H (45 minutes)

A Deep Dive into New Ruby Features
Talk by Shannon Skipper in St-Pierre (45 minutes)

Your database structure as a Graph - New way of thinking :)
Talk by Martin Legris in Mont-Royal (45 minutes)

Building intelligent apps for lazy coders
Talk by Susan Ibach in Fontaine C (45 minutes)

You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!
Talk by Léonie Watson in Fontaine D (45 minutes)

It's often said that JavaScript makes things inaccessible with a screen reader. This is not true. It is possible to do good and bad things with JavaScript (as with any other language, or even dynamite) - but it helps if you understand accessibility mechanics in the browser if you want to avoid blowing things up. Throw a little ARIA into the mix and you can really start to make things explode unintentionally!

Produce the key DevOps metrics that management understands
Talk by Olivier Gourment in Fontaine E (45 minutes)

Behat: Why and How?
Talk by Anna Filina in Fontaine F (45 minutes)

Writing Viruses for Fun, not Profit
Talk by Ben Dechrai in Fontaine G (45 minutes)

Stopping viruses is hard. They're clever, evolve, and become more resilient over time. So let's write one! We'll see how they hide, how they propagate. In this presentation, Ben takes you on a live-demo journey of self-replication, cryptographic obfuscation, and payload delivery. Now you're thinking like a virus writer, you can anticipate which areas of your applications need hardening. Just remember, we're doing it for good, not profit!

Demystifying Asynchronous Programming in .Net
Talk by Pierre-Luc Maheu in Fontaine H (45 minutes)

Composing Music in the Cloud
Talk by James Weaver in St-Pierre (45 minutes)

Innovating is not about technology, but psychology
Keynote by Alyssa Nicoll in Hampstead (45 minutes)

Why do we do it? Why do we try so hard? Why are we paying to be here, to listen to people talk? Maybe because we’re life long learners - we want to learn new things? Commune with our own kind? But why? Come examine our motives as developers, the pitfalls we fall into, and the cost of being great.

Thursday 8th March 2018

The Myth of Culture
Keynote by Ken Coar in Hampstead (25 minutes)

In today's increasingly connected world, the word "culture" appears in communities a lot. Unfortunately, it's not a single-value term. In many cases the founders of a culture are unaware of how their ideals have morphed, and acquired altered or additional definitions. In this talk I intend to describe some of the factors that contribute to this sort of 'fuzzing' of consensual understanding of the term.

Code Is Not Neutral: the Ethics of Programming
Keynote by Clarissa Peterson in Hampstead (25 minutes)

Are you responsible for the code you write? Ask the Volkswagen engineer who's in prison for creating software that allowed their cars to “cheat” on emissions tests. Or think of the ethical issues if you're programming IoT devices that spy on users and report back to the company. The technology we create affects people's lives. We need to be aware of how much power we've been given and start taking responsibility for what we build.

10:00 Faire de la revue de code comme un pro
Talk by Marc Aubé in Hampstead (45 minutes)

La revue de code est un super outil pour attraper des erreurs, disséminer les idées et le savoir, et alimenter la collaboration entre les membres de votre équipe. Voyons ensemble le pourquoi et le comment de la revue de code, autant du côté dévelopeur que du côté business. Comment faire une requête de changement facile à réviser, quoi automatiser, à quels détails être le plus attentif et quels sont les gains pour votre entreprise.

Creating and Distributing Custom Web Components
Talk by Ken Dale in Mont-Royal (45 minutes)

So you are not using an ORM yet ?
Talk by Michael Simonson in Fontaine C (45 minutes)

Add Machine Learning to your iOS App with Core ML
Talk by Jean-Luc David in Fontaine D (45 minutes)

Trace Against the Clock: Tracing Frameworks and Methodology
Talk by Brent Shaffer in Fontaine E (45 minutes)

Developing multi-platform microservices using .NET core
Talk by Dror Helper in Fontaine F (45 minutes)

Functional approach in software design
Talk by Tomasz Kowalczyk in Fontaine G (45 minutes)

Functional approach in software design

More Secrets of Cryptography
Talk by Christopher Riley in Fontaine H (45 minutes)

Using Ruby to Get out of Debt
Talk by Jason Charnes in St-Pierre (45 minutes)

Hot Reloading Everywhere
Talk by Christophe Porteneuve in Hampstead (45 minutes)

API Development with Laravel
Talk by Michael Peacock in Mont-Royal (45 minutes)

What's new in PostgreSQL 10
Talk by Magnus Hagander in Fontaine C (45 minutes)

Authentication: passwords, 2FA, Kerberos, OpenIDC, and more
Talk by Christian Heimes in Fontaine D (45 minutes)

Proper and correct authentication is a fundamental requirement for authorization and access control. Plain passwords logins is ubiquitous, but no longer state of the art. This talk will give you an overview of various alternatives and their crypto starting with password hashing over Unix sockets, 2FA, certificates, and hardware tokens to federated Single Sign-On solutions like Kerberos or OpenIDC.

Spark 101
Talk by Francis Toth in Fontaine E (45 minutes)

Exploring .NET’s memory management – a trip down memory lane
Talk by Maarten Balliauw in Fontaine F (45 minutes)

The .NET Garbage Collector (GC) is really cool. It helps providing our applications with virtually unlimited memory, so we can focus on writing code instead of manually freeing up memory. But how does .NET manage that memory? What are hidden allocations? Are strings evil? In this talk, we’ll go over the base concepts of .NET memory management and explore how .NET helps us and how we can help .NET – making our apps better.

Optimize Prime: More Pixels Than Meets The Eye
Talk by Henri Helvetica in Fontaine G (45 minutes)

Extracting A Gem From Your Rails App
Talk by Sophie Déziel in St-Pierre (45 minutes)

So you've got that big pile of (hopefully) useful code. There are plenty of reasons to extracts some parts to gems, but do you know how to do it? In this talk, I will show you step by step how I extracted a gem from a production application and how I published it.

Techniques to Design Better Object Oriented Softwares
Talk by Hugo Hamon in Hampstead (45 minutes)

Fighting JavaScript with JavaScript
Talk by Karim Baaba in Mont-Royal (45 minutes)

Build & deploy in the Cloud with Packer, Ansible & Terraform
Talk by Thijs Feryn in Fontaine C (45 minutes)

Advanced search for your legacy application
Talk by David Pilato in Fontaine D (45 minutes)

Un meilleur taux de succès de cache avec l'IA
Talk by Michael Gradek in Fontaine E (45 minutes)

Gérant plus de 1M de routes dans plus de 60 pays desservis par divers fournisseurs, chacun de prouesse technologique variée, le cache Busbud balance l'actualité des horaires et le volume de requêtes aux fournisseurs. Cette présentation aborde la façon dont Busbud a construit un cache plus intelligent qui va au-delà des TTLs et qui s'adapte à l'évolution des modèles de trafic. Nous présenterons nos succès, nos erreurs et nos prochains efforts.

What’s new in Java 9
Talk by Ryan Cuprak in Fontaine F (45 minutes)

Java 9 introduces many new exciting features and enhancements to the Java platform. The changes to the platform range from the new module system, jshell (REPL), and enhanced process API to the defaulted G1 garbage collector, compact Strings, and ECMAScript 6 support for Nashorn. This session will provide an overview of the important changes and what you need know to effectively upgrade to Java 9.

How to leverage WebSocket in the real world
Talk by Andrew Lombardi in Fontaine G (45 minutes)

Practical tools for Web Accessibility testing
Talk by Toufic Sbeiti in Fontaine H (45 minutes)

Être pragmatique
Talk by Henri Tremblay in St-Pierre (45 minutes)

Être pragmatique en informatique est plus rare qu'on pourrait espérer. J'ai vu toutes sortes de folies à travers les années. Architectes, analystes et développeurs faisant ou croyant des choses qui n'ont tout simplement aucun sens quand on y pense. À l'aide d'exemples tirés de mon expérience, je vous donnerais quelques trucs pour rester pragmatique. Cela vous permettra de faire des logiciels que les gens veulent vraiment utiliser.

360° Monitoring of Your PHP Application
Talk by Philipp Krenn in Hampstead (45 minutes)

"Every outage is like a murder mystery" is a common complaint. But it doesn't have to be! This talk gives an overview on how to monitor PHP applications from all possible sides — operating system, webserver, database, logs, metrics, and tracing across systems.

How to onboard a junior developer
Talk by Christophe Philemotte in Mont-Royal (45 minutes)

Caching in Applications Still Matters!
Talk by Anthony Dahanne in Fontaine C (45 minutes)

To SQL or NoSQL, That Is the Question
Talk by David Ostrovsky in Fontaine D (45 minutes)

Improve Cookie-based Session with Decorator Pattern
Talk by Weihang Jian in Fontaine E (45 minutes)

Moving from legacy to event-driven with Kafka
Talk by Jeroen v.d. Gulik in Fontaine F (45 minutes)

One of the biggest problems when dealing with legacy is any change to the software might break the old system. Refactoring is usually slow and dangerous. In this talk I will discuss how we successful migrated an ancient legacy project to an event-driven architecture using just the power of events and Kafka.

En quoi le Big Data et l'I.A. sont révolutionnaires ?
Talk by Laurent Magnin in Fontaine G (45 minutes)

Fort d'un doctorat en Intelligence Artificielle obtenu en 1996, ainsi qu'une longue liste de projets réalisés depuis dans ce domaine, que ce soit en tant que chercheur, mais également pour des applications industrielles - en particulier pour un projet "Big Data" de traitement automatisé de dossiers médicaux -, nous présentons en quoi ces approches diffèrent profondément de l'informatique "traditionnelle".

Fn Project, an open source Java friendly serverless platform
Talk by David Delabassee in Fontaine H (45 minutes)

NuGet beyond Hello World
Talk by Maarten Balliauw in St-Pierre (45 minutes)

Monitoring Jenkins -- Someone has to watch over the Butler!
Talk by Tom Chavez in Hampstead (45 minutes)

How to build your own CDN
Talk by Leonard Teo in Mont-Royal (45 minutes)

PHP 7.2: Onward and Upwards
Talk by John Coggeshall in Fontaine C (45 minutes)

WordPress Code Security
Talk by Stéphane Boisvert in Fontaine D (45 minutes)

We will go over some of the most common attack vectors in code and how to protect against them while you write or edit a theme or plugin. This will include: Escaping in WordPress SQL and Data sanitization Permissions with current_user_can() Using Nonces to protect against CSRF WordPress and PHP Security Gotchas

The Growing Importance of Optimizing for UC Browser
Talk by Jennifer Lin in Fontaine E (45 minutes)

Navigate All the Knowledge
Talk by James Weaver in Fontaine F (45 minutes)

Modern Engineer’s troubleshooting tools, techniques & tricks
Talk by Ram Lakshmanan in Fontaine G (45 minutes)

Have you struggled to diagnose sudden CPU spikes? Do you hate OutOfMemoryErrors? Do you get stuck to diagnose zombie/unresponsive applications? Are you tired of spending hours, days, weeks in troubleshooting these problems? Learn right tools, tricks and patterns to identify root cause of complex problems in seconds (not even in minutes).

MariaDB ColumnStore - An Open Source Analytics Solution
Talk by Jonathan Day in Fontaine H (45 minutes)

ASP.NET in Linux and Windows containers
Talk by Rob Richardson in St-Pierre (45 minutes)

What is Domain Driven Design and Why it Matters
Talk by Pierre-Luc Maheu in Hampstead (45 minutes)

Workers of the world, unite!
Talk by Gleb Bahmutov in Mont-Royal (45 minutes)

Security boot camp for .NET developers
Talk by Philippe Arteau in Fontaine C (45 minutes)

Reactive data: Stop blocking with Spring Data & Reactive DBs
Talk by Mark Heckler in Fontaine D (45 minutes)

Help! My boss says I need to learn data science!
Talk by Susan Ibach in Fontaine E (45 minutes)

Au-delà du top 10 de l’OWASP
Talk by Gérôme Dieu in Fontaine F (45 minutes)

Le top 10 de l’OWASP est une référence mondialement reconnue dans les communautés infosec et devops. Malgré tout, l’émergence de nouvelles technologies web ainsi que des fonctionnalités de plus en plus riches amènent de nouveaux vecteurs d’attaque. Nous présenterons plusieurs exemples de vulnérabilités moins connues mais tout aussi dangereuses et également des recommandations afin de s’en protéger.

The Big C in CSS
Talk by Jen Kramer in Fontaine G (45 minutes)

Heads down to Heads Up, Transitioning to Leadership for Devs
Talk by Newman Hunter in Fontaine H (45 minutes)

Using Ruby's Marshal module to checkpoint tasks
Talk by Ken Coar in St-Pierre (45 minutes)

Friday 9th March 2018

09:00 JavaScript State of the Union
Talk by Jordi Boggiano in Hampstead (45 minutes)

This session will cover the developments of the JavaScript / ECMAScript language in recent years, to give you a quick update on how JavaScript can be written in 2018. The pace of the JS community has remained very high for several years now, and it is often easy to be overwhelmed by the amount of options and new developments. I will present a limited set of features and tools to let you join us in the future without decision paralysis.

TypeScript for JavaScript developers
Talk by Christopher Harrison in Mont-Royal (45 minutes)

Your Views Know Too Much
Talk by Jason Charnes in Fontaine C (45 minutes)

Distributed Stream Data Processing
Talk by David Ostrovsky in Fontaine D (45 minutes)

Cassandra - how to fail?
Talk by Michał Matłoka in Fontaine E (45 minutes)

Apache Cassandra is one of the most renowned NoSQL databases. Although it's often associated with great scalability, improper usage might result in shooting yourself in the foot. In this talk I'll present a set of ideas and guidelines - both for developers and administrators - which will help you to make your project an epic failure.

Tales from the wrong end
Talk by Marcus Bointon in Fontaine F (45 minutes)

Deploy Scalable and Secure Applications with Kubernetes
Talk by Brent Shaffer in Fontaine G (45 minutes)

We all benefit from Accessibility, said a Netflix fan
Talk by Toufic Sbeiti in Fontaine H (45 minutes)

Escape from Jar Hell (with Java 9 Modularity)
Talk by Nick Maiorano in St-Pierre (45 minutes)

Developing cacheable PHP applications
Talk by Thijs Feryn in Hampstead (45 minutes)

10 things the media hasn't told you about React Native
Talk by Nicolas Cuillery in Mont-Royal (45 minutes)

Speed Up Your Database
Talk by Anna Filina in Fontaine C (45 minutes)

Are your queries slow? Learn how to speed them up through better SQL and use of meaningful indexes. You will understand what works well and what doesn't, and will walk away with a checklist for faster databases. Through examples and benchmarks, I will demonstrate how to go from almost a minute of SQL execution to less than a millisecond. I expect that you will all be itching to analyze queries to see how much you can shave off.

A DIY Data Lake and Lab
Talk by Christophe Philemotte in Fontaine D (45 minutes)

Alexa, let's make a skill
Talk by Michael Peacock in Fontaine E (45 minutes)

Comment répondre plus rapidement à vos clients avec l'IA
Talk by Michael Gradek in Fontaine F (45 minutes)

L'équipe d'expérience client de Busbud fournit un support 24/7 via Zendesk. Nos clients ont grandi en nombre, et notre temps de réponse moyen aussi, et nous voulions faire mieux. Cette présentation examine comment Busbud a utilisé les données disponibles dans Zendesk pour former et utiliser un classificateur qui choisi quoi envoyer à quels clients pour les aider à résoudre la plupart de leur problèmes beaucoup plus rapidement qu'avec un agent.

Mutation Testing to the rescue of your Tests
Talk by Nicolas Fränkel in Fontaine G (45 minutes)

In the realm of testing, the code coverage metrics is the most often talked about. However, it doesn’t mean that the test has been useful or that an assert has been coded. I'll explain how Code Coverage is computed and what its inherent flaw is. Afterwards, I'll describe how Mutation Testing work and how it helps pointing out code that leaves out corner cases. I will also demo PIT, a Java production-grade framework that enables Mutation Testing.

CQRS & Event Sourcing in the wild
Talk by Michiel Rook in Fontaine H (45 minutes)

CQRS & event sourcing are very popular topics. However, most blogs and talks focus on the theory or introductions to a framework, not necessarily the challenges of a production deployment. This session bridges that gap and looks at some of the pitfalls of a real-world deployment. I'll discuss topics like concurrency & scale, refactoring events and updating read models. Attend this talk to learn from my experiences and be better prepared.

Vertical Feature Slices, not Layers!
Talk by Derek Comartin in St-Pierre (45 minutes)

Event driven development
Talk by Christopher Riley in Hampstead (45 minutes)

Unbreakable unit tests
Talk by Michael Simonson in Mont-Royal (45 minutes)

AMA: I'm a Seed Stage VC
Talk by Sylvain Carle in Fontaine C (45 minutes)

Building truly Universal apps with Azure, Xamarin and MVVM
Talk by Laurent Bugnion in Fontaine D (45 minutes)

Anatomy of a Web Request
Talk by Rob Richardson in Fontaine E (45 minutes)

PHP PSR-7 HTTP messages in the wild
Talk by Hannes Van De Vreken in Fontaine F (45 minutes)

Use Positive Communication, Increase Positive Results!
Talk by Sonia Di Maulo in Fontaine G (45 minutes)

New Features in MariaDB 10.2 and 10.3
Talk by Jonathan Day in Fontaine H (45 minutes)

The easiest way to secure your JAM Stack apps user data
Talk by Adam L Barrett in St-Pierre (45 minutes)

Building Cross Platform Progressive Web Apps
Talk by Simon MacDonald in Hampstead (45 minutes)

Dive deep into blockchain
Talk by Tomasz Kowalczyk in Mont-Royal (45 minutes)

Dive deep into blockchain

Advanced CSS tricks and techniques
Talk by Robert Richelieu in Fontaine C (45 minutes)

Le moteur de template, un nouveau vecteur d'attaque
Talk by Gérôme Dieu in Fontaine D (45 minutes)

Les moteurs de template sont de plus en plus communs aux applications Web modernes. Malgré l’intérêt que cela apporte aux développeurs dans la logique et la lisibilité du code, la mauvaise implémentation des moteurs de template amène de nouveaux enjeux de sécurité. Cette presentation a pour but d’introduire une nouvelle classe de vulnérabilité communément appelée “Server Side Template Injection” a travers différents cas d’implementation.

We're doing it all wrong
Talk by Sebastien Lambla in Fontaine E (45 minutes)

Sylius, un framework e-commerce basé sur Symfony
Talk by Mikael Randy in Fontaine F (45 minutes)

Quand j’ai voulu utiliser Sylius, j’avais en tête qu’il s’agissait d’un « moteur e-commerce » pour Symfony. Maintenant que je l’utilise, j’ai compris pourquoi on parle en fait d’un « framework e-commerce complet ». Prenons un moment pour faire le tour des fonctionnalités proposées par Sylius, et pourquoi vous devriez vous y intéresser.

PostgreSQL gotchas for app developers
Talk by Magnus Hagander in Fontaine G (45 minutes)

Building and running a website at scale with a team of one
Talk by Geoffrey Goodman in Fontaine H (45 minutes)

Infinately Scalable .NET Web Services
Talk by Newman Hunter in St-Pierre (45 minutes)

Security and Privacy in a National Security World
Talk by Ben Dechrai in Hampstead (45 minutes)

We being surveilled! Governments and companies collect data. Hackers want that data. What can software as a service providers do to protect data at rest? What if you need to work with that data? End-to-end encryption isn't an option, so where do we turn? In this talk, Ben discusses and demos ways to securely and anonymously handling and distributing sensitive information between users, without allowing the raw data to give anything away.

So, what’s new in ES2020?
Talk by Christophe Porteneuve in Mont-Royal (45 minutes)

Yes, okay, ES2015 rules, and ES2017 brings about a lot of cool things (most notably async/await), but a ton of cool stuff is expected to land in the next few years, too… and we can play with it already! Christophe takes you through a whirlwind tour of the upcoming features he’s most excited about, due to become official in 2018, 2019… or 2020 ;-)

MJML, le nouveau standard pour écrire nos emails ?
Talk by Thomas Deneulin in Fontaine C (45 minutes)

A l'heure où les fameux "table, tr, td" nous arrache encore les cheveux dés que l'on souhaite faire un template d'email, MJML vient se poser depuis plus d'un an comme une alternative de luxe. Initialement développé au sein de Mailjet, ce framework Open Source est un véritable chef d'oeuvre pour concevoir ses emails. Découvrons ensemble l'éco-système qui s'est créé autour de ce framework et les différents projets open-source qui gravitent autour.

Machine Data Is EVERYWHERE: Use It for Testing!
Talk by Tom Chavez in Fontaine D (45 minutes)

Bruce Lee Driven Development
Talk by Jeroen v.d. Gulik in Fontaine E (45 minutes)

When Bruce Lee started his own martial art, he took all the best traits from the different flavours of Kung Fu and adapted it, to make his own unique version that suited him best. In this talk, I will draw parallels between software craftmanship and how Bruce Lee approached honing his skill. In the end, I will prove to you that Bruce Lee was, in fact, a software architect.

Advanced State Management using new ngrx v5
Talk by Gerard Sans in Fontaine F (45 minutes)

Become a garbage collection hero
Talk by Ram Lakshmanan in Fontaine G (45 minutes)

Understanding Product Management
Talk by Sean Yo in Fontaine H (45 minutes)

Azure 101
Talk by Laurent Bugnion in St-Pierre (45 minutes)

CSS Grid: True Layout Finally Arrives
Talk by Jen Kramer in Hampstead (45 minutes)

Learning Machine Learning
Talk by Joel Lord in Mont-Royal (45 minutes)

Services Assemble! How to Create Microservices Without Chaos
Talk by Mark Heckler in Fontaine C (45 minutes)

Bulk Automated Image Manipulation with Bash and ImageMagick
Talk by Jean-Luc David in Fontaine D (45 minutes)

Building Self Describing Web APIs
Talk by Derek Comartin in Fontaine E (45 minutes)

Mental Health: Lessons Learned and Tips and Tricks
Talk by Stéphane Boisvert in Fontaine F (45 minutes)

A refreshingly candid take on mental health and supporting coworkers who struggle with mental health. This presentation broaches topics that will be enlightening not only to who have depression, anxiety, or the imposter syndrome, but also to those who work with them. Guided by years of experience, Stéphane will provide participants with a better understanding of mental health as well as practical tips to help reduce stress and burnout.

A Fist Full Of Data: The Rise of Overindulgent Mobile Data
Talk by Henri Helvetica in Fontaine G (45 minutes)

Building Horizontally Scalable Laravel 5.6 applications
Talk by John Coggeshall in Fontaine H (45 minutes)

Ruby on Rails Anti-Patterns (How Not to Design your DB)
Talk by Brad Urani in St-Pierre (45 minutes)