Talk comments

Thanks Christian, learned a lot and passed the 5.3 exam.

One of the most inspiring talk and case study in ZendCon. Eric Reppe has done a great job in sharing with us his experience in setting up a dedicated PHP Skill Center team to evangelize the PHP in such large global-scale company like Orange - France Telecom. Can't wait to have you in our event in APAC region. And thank you very much for sharing your internal experience in implementing PHP, I will make sure that this can inspire other sizeable enterprise to implement the same thing.

Great content and excellent presentation. I was engaged and learned a lot from this.

Nobody does it better than you @ijansch. He always put great 'visualization' in his slides and always put a light but exciting little jokes in between the slides. I really like the term 'Entreprenerd'. The best of sucess for your new journey @ijansch. Look forward to having you in the APAC region.

Excellent presentation on the 'background' relationship between Zend and IBM. I wish there are more IBMers that can talk like Alison, as she had an excellent IBM i Software background and experience. Please inform me if you're in the Asia Pacific region talking about PHP on IBM i. I'll be there for sure.

My favourite one is always been the 'customer testimonial' part, and this time the CTO of NYSE Euronext endorsing PHP with Drupal and Zend is really awesome. By the way where can we watch the recorded version of the keynotes that were broadcasted live via ustream ?

It was a good overview on the general direction of ZF2.0 and what's going to be different. I liked hearing how the improved code base caused and improved performance.
As pointed out above, a few slides on the workflow for contributing would have been nice. It seems as if people are already working on the 2.0 version, and they know where they want to go to. But for me as someone new, it isn't that clear what I can do to help. (write patches, or refactor code or ...)

It was good seeing practical solutions to problems I have ran into. Some stuff I already knew, but some solutions were new and made me think on how I could implement them. Very good stuff!

I wanted to learn more about Comet & practical implementation, but this talk didn't offer this. It was a more theoretical approach here, with a little bit of code. I would have liked a more general approach and "behind the scenes" instead of just some lines of code from a framework.

Great talk. The pace was just right to introduce you to new stuff, yet not linger on it too long like a class in school. It definitely made me want to look everything up again, and see where I can apply it in my applications.