In this workshop we'll cover different ways to test your PHP code. Our focus will be the tools and writing tests - we won't get caught up in all the various testing practices. With a foundation in tools like PHPUnit, Mockery, and Codeception you can make the decisions about what testing tools and strategies work best for you. So if you're looking to start testing your PHP code, or learn other PHP testing tools, this workshop is for you.


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Good workshop and introduction to PHPUnit and setup, with a lot of hands-on tips that helped a lot. Only embarassing snafu was when he wound up getting into a long (20-minute) snarl with Mockery's syntax and had to take help from the class to fix it. But even with that, it gave some solid practices.

Ryan Heath at 16:35 on 24 Oct 2017

A great introduction to unit testing, even though it was hard to keep up with the pace. Great advice mixed in also. Could have done with some information up-front to allow me to turn up prepared for the practical follow-along

Practical steps to get into testing, it was a little fast though.

Jimzy Lui at 22:38 on 25 Oct 2017

It was good for my first successful experience with phpUnit. A little fast but I'm glad that he had the git repositories so that I could still follow along and revisit it at home.