What Makes Technology Work


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Nice start to the day with an entertaining talk and food for thought. Interesting hearing about Carl Fisher. Loving the hatred of check boxes.

A good introductory talk with some nice ideas to dwell on. The choice of font did make some slides difficult to read, but the message was generally delivered clearly enough.

Great opening keynote, energetic and interesting. Anecdotes were all relevant and interesting!

Plenty of good anecdotes and a good overall opening keynote: Jo may not have the style of a Cal Evans, but he has a passion that carried over well, and a clear message to tell which made his presentation engrossing

Nice way to kick off the conference. Interesting talk , lots too think about. Really enjoyed hearing about Carl Fisher, must read more about him.

Anonymous at 18:33 on 21 Feb 2014

Great keynote, lots of fun, very good start of the day and a very nice talk overall. Definitely need to dig more on Carl Fisher´s amazing life!

Nice and very inspiring talk.

Nice talk about the little practicalities of making useful software and keep it relevant.

I liked this talk, nice easy start to the day with a bit of food for thought and quite entertaining

Good talk and some good topics to think about, but lost it's way a bit towards the end

Enjoyed it and a good kick off to the conf. My only issue was we have too many speakers with stories about minor UX issues they encounter on airlines / hotels / transport systems!

Excellent and compelling talk by a really accomplished speaker - great job as always Joe.

Anonymous at 17:25 on 23 Feb 2014

Anonymous at 19:59 on 23 Feb 2014

I didn't find this talk either inspiring nor interesting. Pretty much a compilation of what you can find in every enterproneur blog.

Good start to the conference, nice and light subject.
Few things I don't agree, but let us agree to disagree :)

Joe is a great speaker, and deserves to do more keynotes on conferences IMHO. Really enjoyed the keynote.

This was the perfect start to the day, nothing too glib or shouty, just some great stories and a call to action to us all to think about what we make as well as how we make it. Thanks :)

Anonymous at 19:31 on 27 Feb 2014

sorry, but the talk was simply boring. little to do with php or programming