Scaling with Symfony2


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Very solid content from a speaker who clearly has experience in the subject matter. Only negative was talking a little fast at times.

Hi Chris, yeah I noticed that. I must say I was a bit nervous and also I was told that I was running out of time, so I tried to speed up, sorry about that. Plus, I still need to keep improving my English!

Thanks for your feedback!

Good talks about how to scale php solutions, mostly generic and not as symfony2 related as one would expect from the title (apart from some stats done with symfony).

Good solid talk on scaling websites but not much Symfony 2 content.

Luis, Gary, thanks for your comments.

Yes, the whole point was that apart from some tips and tricks that you can do to the framework, it is mostly about common sense, caching and a good architecture design overall. In the end, at least from my experience, the framework you use and ultimately even the language does not make such a big difference most of the times. Unfortunately, I had to rush a bit in the final slides because I was running out of time, and those last slides where more around that point.

Talk was packed with insight and facts from Ricard's long experience. Worth watching on video.

Anonymous at 17:27 on 23 Feb 2014

Good talk, good speaker, good material.
A bit general, but I didn't attend because of Symphony anyway :)

Really good talk even that it wasn't only about Symfony.

Excellent talk, learned a lot of new tips & tricks as well as tools to apply to our SF2 projects.