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Great session, very clear description of the I18N system in symfony.

Also I liked the the plugins you showed!

Thanks Thomas - was a great start to the conference!

Anyone have any links to info about how to use MySQL (Doctrine) to store the translation catalogues (and then using backend (admin generator) to edit the translations)? We did this using Propel way back in the mists of time with sf1.0 but couldn't find any info about doing it with Doctrine + sf1.4 when I looked recently.

Good cover of topic.

I kinda expect it will create overhead for you app, instead of easing the I18n for you... Too bad the plugin is not yet ready for sf1.4 and Doctrine... But will definitely have a look at this! Since it seems like one of the few examples (plugins) in storing your translations in the database! And it's support for translations in your lib and actions seems great. What about messages (email)?

So thanks for sharing and pointing it out!

@caponica that's my question too :)

@evertjes @caponica You can get a working copy for sf1.3 and sf1.4 here : (the plugin works on both version).

As the plugin uses Doctrine is kinda "Doctrine ready ...", If you want to edit the translation in a backend application you can generate an admin gen with models : mgI18nTransUnit and mgI18nCatalogue.

Please, feel free to contribute to the plugin with you find anything to improve.

nice talk, good tips

Good topic. Covered a lot and highlighted lots of available resources.