An overview of Domain Specific Languages in PHP


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Little boring but interesting topic

I found the topic to be interesting. Due to the way it was presented I slowly started to lose interest and found myself reading tweets. Bad bad me.. :(

My feedback: Spoken English is good and was pleasant to listen to. Try to find a few ways to interact more with the public. For example walk around a bit while talking instead of staying close to the PC. Try play with intonations in voice on certain parts while preparing for the talks and see the difference in how the public perceives it.

Presentation of the subject was fine to me.
However, I don't think I'm gonna find myself using this technique though.
Troels thank you for taking the time to drive all the way to Holland.
In return me and my son will visit Legoland Denmark upcoming summer :)

Presentation was interesting. I never heard about Domain Specific Languages and it was interesting to know what it is. The level of the presentation was good, given that also "beginners" should be able to follow the presentations.

You haven't persuaded me to use it however. I'm not a big fan of fluent interfaces, because the tend to be clumsy.

Presentation well done. Good to see that DSLs in PHP are getting more and more attention. Hope to see more in the future.

I wasn't sure what to expect and I am still not sure how useful this is for me. However, the presentation was okay and bonus kudos for travelling from Danmark by car for us!