Selectors, gradients and animations


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Estelle wasn't actually doing a tutorial, but she stood up when one of the tutorials was being cancelled (KLM wasn't really helping...). And because the subject was a whole lot different not many people attended. But I got a surprise... THEY SHOULD HAVE!!! This was awesome stuff! Estelle gathered materials from her talks and did superb job!
I have a background as a PHP developer, and since I'm using Sencha Touch I'm a bit more into CSS, but Estelle also showed that CSS selectors aren't just meant for CSS tasks only. You can use them in jQuery or even drop jQuery and use all this great info directly in Javascript.
The second part about gradients was fun, I'm not someone who does a whole lot of visual stuff, but knowing what kills performance is something which really helps me in my day to day job. The theme of the talk was also about making things ugly. Sorry for chuckling when I made the table-cloth example really ugly by turning it to yellow.
The third part just blew my mind, it's amazing how powerfull CSS is when it comes to making animations. I probably won't be a CSS-superstar like Estelle, but I really learned a lot how to put this to good use.

CSS-superstar - Estelle - indeed. i am really glad i attended even if not many shown up.