Whether it's your keys, your phone, or the meaning of life, finding stuff is hard. At least finding text strings in piles of data can be easy. This month's topic is full text search! Mallory will show you how using Sphinx, the easy-peasy, bad-to-the-bone search engine that integrates with your database.

This month has food and drinks sponsored by the excellent folks at Keylane|Quinity! They're happy to share their terrace, office and handy parking spots (through the gate to the left of the Quinity office building, open after 18:00). We'll also have raffles, the return of the rubber ducks and another update about the conference this November!

19:00 - Welcome with drinks & food
19:30 - Main Talk: Full-Text Search and Sphinx (search engine)
20:30 - Raffle & News
20:35 - Social!