The holidays are almost upon us, which means taking time to meet with friends, share a drink, and reflect back on what other paradigms of programming can teach us! Our host this month will be Ibuildings; they'll also be providing soup and sandwiches to help you keep warm.

19:00 - Welcome
19:30 - Lightning Talk: Object Invariants, Immutability & You
19:40 - Main Talk: An Introduction to Functional Programming using Haskell
20:35 - Raffle & News
20:40 - Social!

Main Talk: An Introduction to Functional Programming using Haskell
The rise of functional programming is undeniable. This talk will introduce the core concepts of FP using Haskell, the quintessential functional programming language.

Speaker: Michel Rijnders (@ugly_syntax)
Philosopher trapped in a programmer's body; software romantic. CTO at TruQu, organizer of FP AMS.

Lightning Talk: Object Invariants, Immutability & You: Making Objects Do Your Bidding
A look at how splitting up your models as they change can make them stricter, stronger and easier to understand.

Speaker: Jeroen v.d. Gulik (@n0x13)
CTO at Isset, Builder of Artificial Stupidity, A talking cat.