Extra! Extra! We have been invited by Ibuildings for a special meeting on Thursday May 31st. They wanted to give you the oppertunity to get a taste of the Dutch PHP Conference (which runs alongside the Dutch Mobile Conference) and for that they provide us with a great location and some of their speakers which will also speak at the conference itself.
This meeting is totally FREE to attend, so don't miss out on this special day!


Talk 1: Boy Baukema - Let's build a parser

Our world is filled with languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, INI, YAML, XML, XPath, MarkDown and more custom languages like Atlassians Jira JQL, Doctrines DQL and Behats Gherkin language.
And other structured texts like date formats, Googles search syntax, Apache Configuration files and the HTTP protocol request and response.

Large code bases, meta programming and the upcoming Domain Specific Modeling field make it imperative that we as developers are capable of reading and interpreting these languages.

During this talk an introduction will be given to parsing. Terms like 'formal grammar', 'lexing / scanning', 'LL / LALR / PEG' will be explained and put into context.
We will look at a recursive descent parsing as a practical way to parse languages.
Finally the audience will be left with ways to get started with parsing structured text into memory.

After this session the audience will never make the mistake of parsing HTML with regular expressions again!

Talk 2: Ross Tuck - Redis for the everyday developer

More than some arcane NoSQL tool, Redis is a simple but powerful swiss army knife you can begin using today.

This talk introduces the audience to Redis and focuses on using it to cleanly solve common problems. Along the way, we'll see how Redis can be used as an alternative to several common PHP tools.


19:00 - 19:30 Welcome and drinks
19:30 - 19:35 Opening words
19:35 - 20:20 Ross Tuck - Redis for the everyday developer
20:20 - 20:45 Break and drinks
20:45 - 21:30 Boy Baukema - Let's build a parser
21:30 - ??:?? Closing drinks and social

Goeman Borgesiuslaan 77
3515 ET Utrecht

Reserve a FREE seat
To join this meeting you can reserve a seat by completing the form on our site.