A full-day conference about real world experiences on applied Agile methodologies,
10:00 |
Why you need to change your way of working
Talk by Roberto Bettazzoni (45 minutes) Why you need to change your way of working |
10:45 |
What is Agile?
Talk by Marco Trincardi (45 minutes) What is Agile? |
Product owner challenge
Workshop by Lorenzo Cassulo (2 hours, 15 minutes) Product owner challenge |
11:30 |
Continuous Delivery in Java - What we did learn hurting ourselves
Talk by Paolo D'Incau (45 minutes) Continuous Delivery in Java - What we did learn hurting ourselves |
12:15 |
Hiring Great People - How we improved our recruiting process to build and grow a great agile team
Talk by Pietro Di Bello (45 minutes) Hiring Great People - How we improved our recruiting process to build and grow a great agile team |
Event-driven (serverless) applications
Talk by Danilo Poccia (45 minutes) Event-driven (serverless) applications |
14:00 |
Agile banks, is it an oxymoron?
Talk by Marco Trincardi (45 minutes) Agile banks, is it an oxymoron? |
Design your application on AWS
Workshop by Paolo Latella (1 hour, 30 minutes) Design your application on AWS |
Improve your TDD skills
Workshop by Ivan Lombardi Borgia, Manuela Munaretto (3 hour) Improve your TDD skills |
14:45 |
Extreme Contracts - Turning negotiation into collaboration
Talk by Jacopo Romei (45 minutes) Extreme Contracts - Turning negotiation into collaboration |
16:00 |
Test Driven Infrastructure
Talk by Filippo Liverani (45 minutes) Test Driven Infrastructure |
16:45 |
Collective code ownership in Extreme Programming
Talk by Dario Coco (45 minutes) Collective code ownership in Extreme Programming |