5 attended
Hosts: Pascal de Vink, Rafael Dohms
Event Website:

The leafs are falling outside and as usual we will be getting together to talk PHP, this time Frank will tell us about filesystem abstraction. Like we did a few months ago, we will have pizza up front, so you can get a bite before the talk.

19:00: Welcome Drinks and Pizza
19:30 - 20:30: Talk
20:30 - 20:45: Raffle
20:45: Social, drinks

Talk: Filesystem Abstraction with Flysystem

In almost all of the applications we create in our day to day lives we work with filesystems. These days it's not just our local filesystem anymore. It's AWS S3, Dropbox, (S)FTP, or any other cloud filesystem provider. They all have their pros and cons. In this talk we’ll go into several aspects of choosing and working with filesystems and how Flysystem helps you out in this process.

Speaker: Frank de Jonge
Frank de Jonge is a freelance developer from Amsterdam. He's is the maintainer of Flysystem and an active member of The League of Extraordinary Packages.

We got some awesome stuff to give away this month, so make sure you attend another awesome meetup!

Our host will be Bunq, so be sure to get to know the company and the people while you are there.