Talk comments


Thanks for your talk yesterday. Had a great evening and would like to congratulate you on your excellent topic. :) I enjoyed it very much! I do however have some constructive (i hope) criticism for you in regards to the talk;

- you assumed the concept of ansible was already well known. A small (no more than 2 minute) instrodaction as to what ansible itself is wouldn't have hurt

- during your talk you had a `heckler` in the autience (first row) to which you responded during your talk. From the back of the room all we noticed was you pausing, giving your response, having a laugh and continuing on... This seemed to take the flow from your talk and again from the back the context of the joke / reponse was comepletely lost ;)

I would have liked to see an actual demo of the role in action. Going through the actual code seemed too much for me as it's really ansible specific, instead i would have liked to see it in action. The actual code is irrelevant if the idea behind the role, the steps and overall layout of the role were clear. (as you excellently described)

All in all a really good talk, nice subject and felt like ready for use in the wild!

I feel the talk was for a niche audience. Sorry. I am in fact looking for a deployment tool, but don't know anything about ansible, so I couldn't really follow the talk and departed without the idea I want to use this ansible package.

edit: Your presentation skills are excellent, though. You are pleasant to listen to.

I like your style. You're comfortable in front of the group, no rehearsed jokes but just you hooking into the situation and what's happening.

There's enough depth in the talk but I think it would help if you could gives us an overview first. I personally know Saltstack so I think I have some knowledge of these kind of tools but was struggling for a while when you were talking about modules, playbooks, etc. Just one slide with the idiom and how those elements work together on an abstract level would help.

I personally don't necessarily agree with Rene here. This is complex enough as is, a demo wouldn't make it easier to understand I think.

Keep it up!

Anonymous at 09:21 on 20 Feb 2015

Good talk, interesting topic, missed a demo though (because demo's always go wrong :P)

René F. (Not registered, so posting anonymously)

Anonymous at 09:21 on 20 Feb 2015

Good talk, interesting topic, missed a demo though (because demo's always go wrong :P)

René F. (Not registered, so posting anonymously)