Every month AmsterdamPHP holds a monthly meeting with a speaker a social event. You can find more info and signup at http://meetup.amsterdamphp.nl

Thursday 21st February 2019

You just became a team lead. What now?
Talk by Volker Dusch (1 hour)

"Maybe you built the first version of your product many years back on your own, and your endeavor is growing. Maybe you've been with the company for a couple of years, and people trust you a lot. Maybe nontechnical coworkers always approached you first because you've been able to explain things clearly to them. Whatever happened: YOU ARE IN CHARGE OF A TEAM OF PEOPLE NOW. Moving away from primarily dealing with code to dealing with people can be scary. But don't panic! You are already working on effectively communicating with your coworkers a lot through your code, in planning, and on many other occasions. Like all the other skills you have picked up along the way Leadership is something you can learn and iteratively improve. This talk aims to walk you through most of the challenges I have faced or helped others work through when taking this journey in companies that work with web technologies. We'll discuss topics including process management, team motivation, recruiting, growing people and how to actually get something useful out of these dreaded 'performance reviews' you might be asked to do."