Dear members,

Thursday 31st August 2017

Understanding Internationalization & Localization
Talk by Camilo Sperberg (50 minutes)

Your site works as a train. It is perfect and it works for your main audience until your boss shows up at your desk and wants you to make some "small" changes in order to launch the site in Saudi Arabia. Suddenly, hell breaks loose: you realize that your perfect working site doesn't offer proper UTF-8 support, and neither does it support proper date or currency formatting. As a child, your mother never informed you that there are people out there with names such as "Bølla Cañiupán" (or even no names). Even worse: 5 years ago nobody thought that the site would be that successful so nobody cared to even include basic translation support. Suddenly your site becomes a derailing train before you even notice it. Our next stop? Ladies and gentleman, welcome to Internationalization. This talk will introduce you to take into account several tips and tricks regarding not only internalization, but also localization, ranging from collation and charset usage in MySQL to some handy datetime functions in PHP. We will also be reviewing some translations quirks, not to forget plural forms, semantics and number/currency formatting. Emailing people with their Kanji name will also be a lot easier than you would think.

JSON Web Tokens
Talk by Jens Segers (30 minutes)

We live in a world of client side applications, web and mobile, and we need a secure way to authenticate our users. Sessions id's and cookies have been around for a long time, but are they still the good solution for single page or mobile applications? And now that we're splitting up big applications into different microservices, should every microservice handle sessions individually? In this talk I'll introduce you to JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and how they might change your view on securely transmitting data bewteen services. We'll take a look on what's inside of a JSON Web Token, what makes them secure and how you can use them in PHP applications.