Let's get fuzzy!


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Plamen Nikolov at 12:02 on 9 Oct 2016

Very informative and well illustrated! Maybe it would be better to move the use cases and the actual goal description slides in the beginning of the presentation.

Dimitur Ilkov at 21:48 on 9 Oct 2016

Really interesting topic, the way the problem was introduced before the solution really helped to consume the topic better. And the graduate stepping from basic algorithms to available solutions really helped

Really nice talk explaining usages, theory and possible solutions how to implement fuzzy searching.

Speaker was visibly nervous in the beginning (found out it was his 1st talk so we can forgive him on that). I would love to see more examples in the talk, felt like algoria & ES have been only mentioned...

Bruno Škvorc at 02:23 on 10 Oct 2016

@Lyubo, for your first talk, this was absolutely amazing and very interesting and clearly explained content. I'd love to learn more. Work a little on confidence and fluency (automatic with practice), and you're unstoppable! Loved it!

It was very very good for your first talk. The example with scraper was original. I would drop the part where you explain how to lie google API with proxies and put more elaboration on how to make it work for non-latin strings.