Talk in English - US at CascadiaPHP 2024
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Multnomah Falls
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What separates software engineers from principal software engineers? Mainly communication skills. One of the main communication skills in the principal engineer’s toolbelt is **diagramming**. In this session we’ll discuss different types of diagrams and their purposes. Then we’ll look at different tools we can use to make and share diagrams. Hopefully, we’ll all come out of this with a greater ability to draw boxes and arrows in a way that can bring about better software and teamwork and bigger paychecks.
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Great song
A rare voice on the speaker circuit. I appreciate the overview of modern diagram tools.
Informative and entertaining. I have used some of these tools, but I feel much better informed about the pros and cons. And I think I'm now a mermaid convert. Thank you.
Great points about how important communication is to principal engineers, and how much diagrams help with that. Wonderful song break in the middle too! Loved seeing the massive list of things Mermaid can do now.
Jfc, Jeremy sets the bar too high for everyone else. Great speaker, stylish slides that he's not just reading from, and goddamnit he sings really well! Plus the content of the talk was the perfect balance of overview/intro and some specifics to help us get going.
💯 Everything Max Schwanekamp said! ☝🏻
Excellent talk
I finally made it to one of Jeremy's talks, and I was not left wanting. Informative, entertaining, and oh so useful.
This is also one of the few talks I've ever seen that actually explains Staff + Principal engineers, a role I didn't know about until a year or so before moving into a staff-level role.