Talk in English - US at CascadiaPHP 2024
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Crater Lake
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For years, web developers and app developers have been siloed, looking at each other with jealousy. How come these people get to do push notifications? How come these people have such a simple build process? And why can’t we all just work with the same codebase?
A PWA (Progressive Web App) marries all these needs together, starting with a run-of-the-mill website and adding features as they’re appropriate. The most interesting part: You can start with a website you’ve been working on right now.
In this talk, Lemon will take you through the process of starting with a simple HTML website add add features like caching, notifications, desktop installation and offline mode to create an app that’s as interesting and dynamic as you’d want it to be.
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Great talk, good vibes and good use of the stage. I liked the content, one thing that might be good to touch on is maintenance and versioning
I found the five-minute breakdance intro video to be a bit off-putting—it felt somewhat out of place.
When discussing why customers want mobile apps, the most common reason I’ve heard was missing: customers want to see their name in app stores. While this can’t be achieved with PWAs, it can be addressed with hybrid apps. However, Capacitor was notably missing from the discussion, while Cordova—nearly as obsolete as PhoneGap—was mentioned, which was surprising.
From my team’s experience, offline functionality in PWAs is feasible for read-only operations, but supporting write actions (like POST requests) can be challenging. Topics like these weren’t addressed. Generally, to handle offline POST requests, you need to store data locally and manage modifications to the offline state stored in the app, which can quickly become complex.
Overall, for a talk aimed at covering PWAs, the content felt quite surface-level. But maybe I was expecting too much, sorry.
Lemon is an engaging and charismatic speaker. I really learned a lot for the short timeframe. The examples were trivial and thus a lot of the complexities of an actual *app* were skipped over, but he gave pointers to where to go next for that info. For a one-hour talk, it was great.
Really appreciate the high energy zaniness of Lemon. Absolutely my style of presentation, especially after lunch!
Thanks Lemon! This was a great talk, high energy, useful information. It has given me a few ideas to incorporate into my own work. I look forward to talking again and seeing you speak at more conferences.
This was a very fun talk which reminded me that PWA are a thing and sparked my curiosity to dig into them as a potential option for future projects, which I really appreciated! Very much the kind of, "hey look at this cool thing", energy I'm after from tech conferences.
One of my favorite talks of the whole conference. Lemon's fun and engaging presentation style reminds me of my days when programming was exciting, new, and fun. (it's still all these things - but Lemon LIVES it and it's awesome to see)
The demos in the talk did a really good job explaining what PWAs are and showed some very basic use cases, as a engineering leader I would have appreciated some more hardcore use cases to help cement the concept in my mind.
As an almost completely backend developer, I never really thought that some of the apps I've built could be (or should be) changed into PWAs, but now I'm starting to think that even just the read-only functionality of some of them would be useful in an offline context. Definitely going to be playing with this a bit in the future, and the game Lemon mentioned (Service Workies) is still in one of my post-conference to-do tabs.