Microservices get a bad rap online. From unnecessary complexity to challenging architectures, developers are warned about the dangers of microservices. But the monolith is no picnic. How can we solve for this difficult problem? The answer is "monolithic microservices". Come learn how to break up your monolith into smaller services that don’t quite fit the microservice architecture, but still streamline development, improve workflow and simplify your life.


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Chris Abbey at 14:48 on 25 Oct 2024

Great concept, and I appreciate finally having a good term to describe the way we’ve been building things. As requested, one section that was a little hard to follow was the example of the various services you were building there. Perhaps a high level architecture diagram of the small handful of services and which ones talked to each other as a static diagram on screen while you were talking about them would help folks follow along.

Thank you for the talk. I came into this talk expecting more of a "here's how to organize your code in a monolith so it's easier to maintain" discussion. I'm not sure I still wouldn't think that from the description.

That being said, when the concept finally sank in it was really eye-opening. I already have plans on how we can us this pattern in our main application (which will be 6 applications in the future :-)).

Ralf Jahr at 09:23 on 26 Oct 2024

I appreciated the concept of splitting systems into different components, particularly the idea of a dedicated "service" for authentication. From my understanding, the approach here suggested setting up multiple, likely full-stack, applications alongside each other. However, with modern frameworks like Symfony, I wonder how large an app must be to justify this structure and what the specific trade-offs are. Also, how can we ensure a cohesive front-end experience across separate applications? Is the aim essentially to build internal APIs? Overall, I enjoyed the talk, but I felt it stayed somewhat at the surface level.