PHP extensions are native code. Let's write one in Rust without the official tooling to learn about what makes PHP extensions what they are! We'll go over the internal structures and functions needed to make a functional PHP extension, and some of the differences between thread-safe and non-thread-safe builds, as well as debug and non-debug.


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Fantastic talk that plants seeds for Rust-curious PHP developers like myself.

For conference organizers: maybe not a great talk to put first thing in the morning, but definitely put this on your schedule!

Katriel Wolfe at 10:47 on 25 Oct 2024

Really enjoyable and informative.

Really good technical talk. I appreciated going into the syntax and explaining what each line and symbol means - it made following along with the logic much easier. Loved the insights into internals and how PHP and Rust work.

Ralf Jahr at 11:30 on 25 Oct 2024

I really enjoyed the session! It was fascinating to see how a PHP extension can be developed with Rust. The talk also gave me a clearer understanding of why writing a PHP extension is rareā€”the maintenance effort involved is clearly significant.

This was a really detailed talk aboutcreating extensions with Rust. I found it a little hard to follow but I think that was because I've never used Rust and my C is very rusty.

Thanks for the talk. I just need to figure out what I want to write an extension for.

Tim Lytle at 13:26 on 25 Oct 2024

Thorough walkthrough of writing an extension in rust. The pace was good and understandable for this non-rust (and C) developer. Appreciated learning more about this process.

As someone who is curious about Rust and someone who has written PHP extensions before. This talk gave me a good reason to dust the Rust book off and see what I can do! Thanks!

Misha Hawthorn at 17:40 on 3 Nov 2024

This was a brilliant talk and primer on writing reliable PHP extensions in Rust. The pacing was good for me as a C/Rust novice, and I feel like the content would be applicable to someone beginning to write extensions in C as well as Rust. Really wish I had the slides to refer to afterwards though, didn't quite note everything I wanted to. Thanks for the talk!